Thirteen whole days since Youthful Impulses, and I feel like an awful Audrey. I should be jumping at the chance to get dolled up since the weather is beautiful practically everyday now, but my Maymester classes are whooping my behind. Waking up at 7:00 for 6 straight hours of class doesn't leave me with much care for what I wear.
Today though, I woke up with a vengeance. I vowed to drop in on you guys with a new post. I VOWED DAMN-IT. So, hiya guys!
This isn't the flashiest of getups, but I'm at school, so this is a real life outfit: fully functional, fun and comfortable. It's hard not to feel comfortable wrapped up in this oversized button up. It reminds me of a painters shirt. This outfit isn't hitting any particular trends hard on the head, but I'm looking into colorblocking next. Frantic Dreams asked me when I would be trying it (via Twitter), so now I totally have incentive...the fact that she mentioned it. I'm a fangirl of her blog. Expect me to try (try being the keyword, not succeed) my hand and that fun little trend.
---Audrey W.
cute and simple. #ownit
Love the outfit! Especially the wedges!
ReplyDeletecute and simple, agreed perfect for school.
ReplyDeleteim hesitant about color blocking too, i just dont know where to begin, but im so inspired by the gucci collection... hope you figure out what you want to do :)
and good luck with your maymester girl! xoxo
I love your wedges and bracelets!
ReplyDeleteNice blog, I'm following you x